This is happening all around the country where the people speak either by voting or voicing their opinions, desires, demands at board meetings, but are then quickly silenced.
Here in the old North State of North Carolina, we have been silenced TWICE in our votes for voter ID with a veto by the democrat governor. We voted two different times with an overwhelming majority wanting voters to have to present an ID in order to vote in elections.
For: 2,049.121 55.49%
Against: 1,643.983 44.51%
We want voters to be able to have their vote and no one else getting to vote in their place!! But for no real valid reason, this governor vetoed both times stating injustice to those who would not be able to obtain an ID...anyone can get and need to have an ID for a number of things they purchase. This was a political reasoning. Period.
Recently at our school board, the school board put out a survey in July, 2021 to all families in the county asking what they wanted masks to be optional, mandatory, or just segregate vaccinated students from unvaccinated students. The later question was a stupid one since kids aren't being vaccinated. Until now, unfortunately.
The school board chair said that the results of the survey was that 38% of families responded and of that 38% over 60% of the parents voted for optional masks. The board did a short discussion on it and despite what the results of the survey was, despite what the parents wanted, they voted for mandatory masks throughout the entire Pitt County school system, buildings, events, etc. masks are to be worn by everyone. No science was discussed, not one, just emotionally charged opinions by the board members and then they voted.
Now, also recently, the Pitt County Commissioners' Board decided to make a big deal about folks who conceal carry at their meetings. They made a motion to ban those who conceal carry from carrying their weapons into meetings. Over 300 signatures were presented to the commissioners in a petition last week against this ban, how well did that going over you ask? The commissioners completely ignored these citizens and voted to ban, yes BAN folks from conceal carry during meetings and entering any buildings.
The board of education voted not to allow public comment during the special session, why? Because they could, they had a discussion over the motion, but it did not deal with public comment at all, the board members discussed how to go about it through Robert's rule of order, parliamentary procedure, not one mention of the public comment, like how long to allow, what subject matter to discuss, nothing, just how to, if it was allowed, through the procedural protocol. Then after they were all satisfied with the procedure, they promptly voted 6 - 3 against the motion. For no apparent reason other than they could. Period