Attending my first School board meeting, I was saddened to see that the corrupt, turf-dwelling, partisan strategies are in play here as well. The Covid,19 nonsense ruled the day with the decision to make all students from pre-K to 12th grade, along with staff, teachers, and visitors wear masks at all times whilst on the grounds of all Pitt county campuses and buildings.
To makes this decision clearly understandable with the dynamics of what this will look like, (oh bless them, they will allow all the children to be able to attend school in person and 'be safe and healthy" at the same time!) allow me to give you a visual on this reality.
Each child, pre-K to 12th grade will be required to don a face mask, covering their mouths and noses at all times during their time on their campus. What that entails is this:
1) A mask. There is no requirement, standard of code, or type of fabric used...just something covering their mouths and noses...that's all that will be required to make all the adults happy.
2) Wearing the mask. Whether it is moved around, rubbed on, sneezed in, spit in, taken off, put back on, stuffed in a bookbag, dropped on the floor......just have it on...doesn't matter where its been, just put it on your face.
Sounds pretty unsanitary,
3) Keep the mask on. Hours and hours of re-breathing the carbon dioxide that the body gets rid of, spewing spit, snot, food, facial oils, etc. Just keep that mask on their faces.
4) Have a mask every day. After a long day at school wearing the same mask, who knows where it goes, in the washer? In a pocket? Stuffed in a drawer, or gym bag. Maybe it doesn't get washed at all? Maybe, just maybe that same face mask bearing all the hours and hours of spit, oil, snot, dirt, and whatever dries up, gets worn again the next day....and the next day.....and the next day without ever seeing the inside of a clothes washer much less a rinse out at the water fountain.
Again, sounds very unsanitary
5) Masks on your face please. Who monitors these face masks, these virus stopping, health saving, world preserving pieces of fabric? Who makes sure every student has a clean one to be muzzled with?
Again, hmm
All in all, these board members, that refused to listen to the parents, even on a survey that revealed that 60+% of the parents wanted masks to be OPTIONAL, not mandatory, took this decision upon themselves, evidently feeling that they know more than the parents do and made masks mandatory for all personnel, students, and visitors.
Where is the credibility for these decisions. It is well known, by those who do not listen to the driveby media, president, and statesmen of various blue sides of the aisle, that children are far less likely to contract, spread, or die from this Wuhan virus that came to us during a election year.
According to an article in "American Institute for Economic Research" by Paul E. Alexander, Ph.D in March 10, 2021, entitled, "Masking Children: Tragic, Unscientific, and Damaging." Dr. Alexander says that the "mask has become so politicized that it prevents rational consideration of the evidence (even across political lines) and drives levels of acrimony, invidious actions, disdain, and villainy among wearers to each other who feel threatened by the individual who will not or cannot wear a mask."
In other words, the masks are causing more social and emotional damage than protecting one from the virus that has a curability rate of 99% across the board in all the ages.
When will this nightmare end....... when?