Thursday, May 21, 2009

Letter to North Carolina Gov. Bev. Perdue

Dear Gov. Perdue,

This past April, you passed legislation that takes .5% of the total annual income over a 4 pay period cycle during May and June, 2009 from all state employees and teachers to help with state's financially broken situation.  Once again, the good citizens are being punished to pay for the bad practices of the corrupt state leadership under the umbrella of a power-grab.  Taking from scientists, doctors, nurses, professors, teachers, and all those that take care of the facilities housing these listed professions.  

Let me tell you a bit about these life-blood of society professions.  What would our world be like without scientists devoting their lives studying, researching, answering the questions of how disease happens, finding cures for, and vaccines to prevent, diseases and preventable deaths.  Professors, teachers passing on the experiences and knowledge to our next generation to prosper and grow ever smarter into the future.  The doctors and nurses who see to it that all that can be done to help society's healthcare be what it needs to be for the good of its people.  Nurturing the sick, restoring health and livelihoods, being lifesaving and caretakers for those who find themselves stricken.  Are these the people you really want to take pay from?  Do you really want them to feel that they are sitting ducks for your every whim?  Really?

America was built on something far more mightier than these so-called mandatory power-grabs.  America has a reputation of giving at times of need.  Americans will, when ASKED, give and give when they are given a CHOICE.  When trouble comes, Americans have stepped up to the plate opening their wallets, piggybanks, and spare change.  If you had put out a call for help with the state tax refunds and healthcare benefits due to the financial situation, you  would have seen many comply gladly.  You would have covered more ground in the process and not just picked on one group that you can control easily.  You don't know your state citizens very well.

As the saying goes, "Ask and you shall receive." You are punishing the wrong group, beside the fact that you have gone about this ALL wrong in the first place.  Respect given is respect received, you do not show any respect for these very important professions in our state, hence you won't receive much respect from them in the future.  Next time, ask for donations, just a dollar per household would have given you much of what you needed to raise.

Totally disgusted,


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Throwing the baby out with the bath water

Once upon a time, women needed a strong force to help them get the vote, equal pay, and the ability to smoke and drink like the fellas.  Ok, we have that now and if we don't, there's laws on the books that help us in a dispute.

However, this organization called NOW (National Organization for Women) is a self-professed strong-hold for all of women's rights. Women, thanks to NOW can have abortions, be lesbians, love their bodies, and leave the house to a career fit for a man!  Should I be singing Hooray?  NO!

This is an organization run by a bunch of women who pride themselves from the 60's era of being more powerful than men.  Fiesty and righteous because they know that they have what men want and they are in control of this highly sought after commodity.  The vagina.  This sounds really bad right about now, and truly not my style of writing, but I am completely right on this, this is exactly what brought about an organization like NOW.

In 2005, this organization entered the homosexual arena making all kinds of noises for the lesbian, bi, and transgender woman, why?  Because they felt that they needed to get some attention to get revived.  Thank goodness for the abortion issue.  They have at least had that to thrash about with since the 60's.  These women want to control men, call the shots, and rise above them.  Oh and babies, children, and the future generation, ump they say, on MY terms only!  To Hell with giving them what THEY need, it's me first, my needs are priority #1 say these NOW women.

This organization is NOT for the traditional family, the homemaker, the homeschooling mom, the heterosexual woman that just wants to have a home, children, and a happy husband.  This organization disses this type of woman.  They don't support having children willingly, they call that a right and a choice, not a responsibility and a joy.

Where was this "great protector of all women throughout the nation" when Sarah Palin was persecuted during her run for Vice President?  Where was this organization when Carrie Prejean, Miss California, was brutally scorned for having the guts to be true to herself?  Just what does this organization really stand for?